Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is a powerful feature in .NET that enables you to query data from various sources in a more readable and concise way. In UiPath, LINQ can be particularly useful for manipulating collections and data tables. Here are ten LINQ query hacks to supercharge your UiPath workflows:

 1. Filtering Data with Where

Use the Where method to filter collections based on a condition. For example, to get all items greater than 50 from an array:

Csharp- Use invoke codes

Dim numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70}

Dim filteredNumbers = numbers.Where(Function(n) n > 50)


 2. Selecting Specific Fields with Select

The `Select` method allows you to project each element of a collection into a new form. For example, to create a list of names from a list of objects:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim people = {New With {.Name = “John”, .Age = 30}, New With {.Name = “Jane”, .Age = 25}}

Dim names = people.Select(Function(p) p.Name)

3. Finding the First or Last Element

Use `FirstOrDefault` and `LastOrDefault` to retrieve the first or last element that matches a condition:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

Dim firstNumberOver25 = numbers.FirstOrDefault(Function(n) n > 25)

Dim lastNumberUnder40 = numbers.LastOrDefault(Function(n) n < 40)

 4. Checking for Existence with Any

The Any method checks if any elements in a collection satisfy a condition:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

Dim hasNumberOver40 = numbers.Any(Function(n) n > 40)

5. Counting Elements with Count

Use the `Count` method to count elements that satisfy a condition:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

Dim countOver30 = numbers.Count(Function(n) n > 30)

 6. Grouping Data with Group By

The `GroupBy` method groups elements that share a common attribute:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim people = {New With {.Name = “John”, .Age = 30}, New With {.Name = “Jane”, .Age = 25}, New With {.Name = “Jack”, .Age = 30}}

Dim groupedByAge = people.GroupBy(Function(p) p.Age)

7. Joining Data with Join

The `Join` method allows you to combine data from two collections based on a common key:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim people = {New With {.ID = 1, .Name = “John”}, New With {.ID = 2, .Name = “Jane”}}

Dim orders = {New With {.PersonID = 1, .Product = “Laptop”}, New With {.PersonID = 2, .Product = “Phone”}}

Dim personOrders = people.Join(orders, Function(p) p.ID, Function(o) o.PersonID, Function(p, o) New With {p.Name, o.Product})

 8. Sorting Data with OrderBy and ThenBy

The `OrderBy` and `ThenBy` methods sort elements based on specified keys:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim people = {New With {.Name = “John”, .Age = 30}, New With {.Name = “Jane”, .Age = 25}, New With {.Name = “Jack”, .Age = 35}}

Dim sortedPeople = people.OrderBy(Function(p) p.Age).ThenBy(Function(p) p.Name)


 9. Removing Duplicates with Distinct

The `Distinct` method removes duplicate elements from a collection:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim numbers = {10, 20, 30, 30, 40, 40, 50}

Dim uniqueNumbers = numbers.Distinct()

10. Converting Data with ToList and ToArray

Convert your LINQ query results to a list or array for further manipulation:

Csharp (Invoked)

Dim numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

Dim numberList = numbers.Where(Function(n) n > 20).ToList()

Dim numberArray = numbers.Where(Function(n) n > 20).ToArray()


Using LINQ queries in UiPath can significantly streamline your data processing tasks, making your workflows more efficient and easier to read. By leveraging these LINQ hacks, you can handle complex data manipulations with concise and powerful queries.

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