In this blog, We are going to check the various UiPath Installation Error and solutions to fix these issues. An UiPath installation error is a problem that occurs when installing UiPath Studio software on a computer. UiPath Studio Installation errors can be caused by a variety of factors, such as system requirements not being met, software conflicts, virus or malware infections, permissions issues, or network issues.

There are a variety of errors that you may encounter while installing UiPath Studio. Some common UiPath installation errors include:

  1. The following system requirements were not met: When your system does not satisfy the recommended or minimum system requirements for UiPath Studio Installation, this error occurs. The solution is to ensure that the system meets the basic hardware and software requirements. The system requirements can be found on the UiPath website or in the UiPath documentation.
  2. Applications conflicts: If you have other software on your system that may conflict with UiPath Studio, you may experience installation difficulties. Before installing UiPath Studio, please be careful to disable or delete any incompatible applications.
  3. Virus or malware: If your system had detected a virus or malware, you may have installation difficulties. Before installing UiPath Studio, make sure to scan your system for viruses and delete any discovered risks.
  4. Permissions problems: If users do not have sufficient permissions to install UiPath Studio on your system, difficulties may occur during the installation process. The remedy is to seek help from an administrator or check that you have the proper permissions to install the software.
  5. Network issues: If you are installing UiPath Studio from a network location or over the internet, you may face difficulties if your network connection or firewall settings are not properly configured. The remedy is to ensure that your network connection and firewall settings are not blocking the installation.

If you encounter an error while installing UiPath Studio that is not listed here, you may want to check the below for solutions

UiPath Installation Error Fix

UiPath Installation Errror 1603

UiPath Installation Error 1603 is a common installation error that can occur when installing UiPath Studio or other software on a Windows-based system.

Cause of Error 1603

UiPath Installation Error 1603 is a common installation error that can occur when installing UiPath Studio or other software on a Windows-based system

Solution for Error 1603

To fix UiPath installation error 1603, Locate the installation log and look for a more detailed message to learn more about the error’s cause (for example, the installation disc is full, or a specific location cannot be accessed).

The log file’s location is:

  • For manual updates and installations, use the following path: %TEMP%MSI*.log (where * denotes a random alphanumeric string)
  • Per-user installation for automatic updates: %LOCALAPPDATA%UiPathUpdateServiceLogs
  • installation for individual machines for automatic updates: %PROGRAMDATA%UiPathUpdateServiceLogs
  • Automatic updates from versions before 2021 for the Community Edition: %USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalUiPathLogsinstall error log.txt

UiPath Installation Error 1625

UiPath Installation Error 1625 is a common installation error that can occur when installing UiPath Studio or other software on a Windows-based system.

Cause of 1625 Error

Applications cannot be installed using MSI files due to a policy that has been defined on the computer. Typically, Windows Server machines that prohibit MSI installations through rules are affected by this problem.

Solution for 1625 Error

To add a registry key that permits launching MSI installers, follow the procedures listed below.

  • On the computer, launch the Registry Editor.
  • Locate the registry entry HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller.
  • Create or modify the REG DWORD variable DisableMSI and set its Value data to 0.

UiPath Installation Error 4000 – Full Disk

UiPath Installation Error 4000 is a common installation error that can occur when installing UiPath Studio or other software on a Windows-based system.

Cause of Error 4000

The installation cannot be completed because there is not enough free disc space on your computer.

Solution for Error 4000

Free up the minimum disk space required for the Studio installation. For more information, see Hardware Requirements.

UiPath Installation Error 4001 Unauthorized to create a scheduled task

UiPath Installation Error 4000 is a common installation error that can occur when installing UiPath Studio or other software on a Windows-based system.

Cause of Error 4001

The Task Scheduler feature cannot be used by the installation because your user does not have permission to access the C:WindowsSystem32Tasks folder.

Solution for Error 4001

Make sure your user has access rights to the C:WindowsSystem32Tasks folder.

UiPath Installation Error 4003 Two per-user and per-machine installations were detected

Error 4003 is a common installation error that can occur when installing UiPath Studio or other software on a Windows-based system.

Cause of Error 4003

There are currently two installs running simultaneously on the computer, one for the present user and the other for the whole system. The UiPath products may exhibit unexpected behavior as a result, which necessitates removing one of them.

Solution for Error 4003

Close all instances of Studio before removing one of the installations by going to Add or Remove Programs in the Windows settings:

Remove the previous UiPath Studio version if you want to keep the per-user installation. Your per-user installation will automatically be updated to the most recent version after you restart Studio.
Uninstall the more recent UiPath Studio version to maintain the per-machine installation.

The most recent version can then be manually installed by manually downloading it from Automation Cloud’s Resource Center. When updates become available after installing the most recent version, Studio will be updated automatically.

UiPath Installation Error 4004 – Two concurrent UiPath Studio installations were detected

Error 4004 is a common installation error that can occur when installing UiPath Studio or other software on a Windows-based system.

Cause of Error 4004

For the user who is now logged in, there are two installs running simultaneously. A clean installation is necessary because this could cause the UiPath products to behave unexpectedly.

Solution for Error 4004

  • Remove both UiPath Studio programs by going to Add or Remove Programs in the Windows settings.
  • Install the most recent version of UiPath Studio by downloading it from Automation Cloud’s Resource Center. When updates become available after installing the most recent version, Studio will be updated automatically.

UiPath Installation Error 4012 – Two concurrent UiPath Studio installations were detected

Error 4012 is a common installation error that can occur when installing UiPath Studio or other software on a Windows-based system.

Cause of Error 4012

Multiple installs (one per machine and at least one per user) are present at the same time and prevent the installation from being upgraded or changed. Typically, a newer version (2019.10, 2020.10) is installed per computer, and an older version (2019.10, 2020.10) is installed per user.

Solution for Error 4012

  • Delete any UiPath Studio programs other than one by going to Add or remove programs in the Windows settings.
  • The oldest one should typically be left alone because it was probably installed by corporate policy and would reappear if removed.
  • You can stick with the most recent version and delete the earlier ones if you are the only administrator on the computer.

UiPath Chrome Extension Error

An extension error is a problem that occurs when installing or using an extension in UiPath Studio. Extension errors can prevent the extension from being installed correctly or from being used properly. They can also cause other problems, such as data loss or system instability. These UiPath Chrome Extension errors or UiPath Edge Extension errors help you to fix these errors.

Extension errors can be caused by a variety of factors, such as system requirements not being met, software conflicts, virus or malware infections, permissions issues, or network issues. To get rid of this problem, you will need to identify the cause of the error and take appropriate action to fix the problem. This may involve updating your system, uninstalling conflicting software, scanning for and removing viruses or malware, seeking assistance from an administrator, or adjusting your network settings.

If you encounter an extension error and are unable to solve the problem, you may check UiPath Installation Guide

Uipath Studio Setup Has Encountered an Error Please Check the Log for Details

If you are seeing the error “UiPath Studio setup has encountered an error please check the log for details” while trying to install UiPath Studio, it means that there was a problem with the installation process. The log file contains information about the error, which can help you troubleshoot the problem.

To troubleshoot this error, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Check the log file: The log file is a text file that contains information about the error and other details about the installation process. You can find the log file in the “Temp” folder on your system. To access the log file, you will need to follow these steps:
  • Open the Run dialog box by pressing the “Windows” + “R” keys on your keyboard.
  • Type “%temp%” (without the quotes) and press Enter.
  • Locate the log file in the “Temp” folder and open it using a text editor such as Notepad.
  1. Check for system updates: Make sure that your system is up to date with the latest system updates and patches. Installing the latest updates may fix the error or prevent it from occurring in the first place.
  2. Check for software conflicts: If you have other software installed on your system that may conflict with UiPath Studio, you may need to disable or uninstall the conflicting software before installing UiPath Studio.
  3. Check for viruses or malware: If you suspect that your system may be infected with a virus or malware, you should scan your system for threats and remove any detected threats before installing UiPath Studio.
  4. Check for permissions issues: If you don’t have the required permissions to install UiPath Studio on your system, you may need to seek assistance from an administrator or the system owner to grant you the necessary privileges.
  5. Check for network issues: If you are installing UiPath Studio from a network location or over the internet, you may need to check your network connection and firewall settings to ensure that the installation is not being blocked.

UiPath Failed to Install the Package

To fix the error “UiPath Failed to install package”, you will need to identify the cause of the error and take appropriate action to resolve the problem. Check the above Fixes to fix these issues.

For more UiPath Installation Error Fix check official UiPath Documentations

What are the common errors that can occur in UIPath Studio Installation

Some of the common errors that can occur in UiPath Installation is Error 1603, 1625, 4000, 4001, 4003, 4004, 4012, Chrome, Edge Extension Error, Install Package Error, and Setup Errors.

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